Actors represent an entity that can "do something" (i.e. a person, creature, automated account, etc.) and are one of the 5 types of pushable object.
- type: "actor"
- self: uri(actor) required
- created: timestamp required
- modified: timestamp optional
- homepage: uri optional
- handle: string required [can be anything at all]
- displayName: string required
- avatar: uri optional
- bio: string optional
- pronouns: string optional
- automated: boolean optional default=false
- requestToFollow: boolean optional default=false
- endpoints: object required
- basicFeed: uri(pagination(uri(any))) required
- fullFeed: uri(pagination(any)) optional
- filteredFeed: uri(pagination(any)) optional
- follow: uri optional
- unfollow: uri optional [if follow is present, unfollow must also be present]
- acceptedFollow: uri optional
- rejectedFollow: uri optional [if acceptFollow is present, rejectFollow must also be present]
- block: uri optional
- unblock: uri optional
- extensions: object optional default={}
- (uri): any many
"type": "actor",
"self": "https://social.example/user/winter",
"created": "2025-01-01T09:00:00Z",
"homepage": "https://social.example/@winter",
"handle": "winter",
"displayName": "winter the eternal",
"avatar": "https://social.example/upload/1423.png",
"bio": "hi i'm winter!!\n\nmeow",
"pronouns": "it/she",
"requestToFollow": true,
"endpoints": {
"basicFeed": "https://social.example/user/winter/feed",
"follow": "https://social.example/user/winter/rpc/follow",
"unfollow": "https://social.example/user/winter/rpc/unfollow",
"acceptedFollow": "https://social.example/user/winter/rpc/accepted",
"rejectedFollow": "https://social.example/user/winter/rpc/rejected"
"extensions": {}